Monday, September 15, 2014

What to do with your natural hair this fall: 3 ways to prepare

By Tenisha Mercer

Can't you just feel it? There's a crisp chill in the air; it's fall!
Source: ThankGodImNatural

Fall can be a weird time, hairwise. Depending upon where you live, it's not quite winter, yet it's not quite summer, either. Definitely in-between. But now's not the time to slack up on your natural hair regimen, either.

Winter is right around the corner -- the time when you'll most likely need heavy, more durable hair products to beat off colder weather.

Here are some quick tips to get your natural hair ready for fall. 

1. Keep your natural hair trimmed and tucked away from wool coats. Now is the time when you'll begin wearing your outerwear, especially if you live in the Midwest, East Coast or Northeast. Especially if said outerwear is wool, you'll need to protect your ends, which is the most fragile and oldest part of your hair.

 Keep your natural hair trimmed now, before it gets colder, to prevent even more damage. If you need a trim, it's best to get it now. And by all means, don't let your ends rub against that wool coat. Tuck them in,  put your hair up or do something; just don't let them rub all willy nilly against your wools.

2. Go through your products and eliminate. I've got so many hair products, that I need a "fall" cleanup. Now's the time to throw out any products that might be questionable shelfwise. If they're new and you just don't like them, donate! Make room for your fall products by deleting those half-empty bottles of products that you only use during warmer months. You've only got a small time frame to use them, so use them up now or throw in the trash.

3. Decide how you will wear your hair. How will you rock  your hair? Now's the perfect time to get  that beauty consultation you've always wanted or even a salon visit for those of you who let others touch your tresses. It's a time of renewal, and that can extend to your hair as well. Now's the time to decide if you will do protective styling, let it be free, cut it or keep it froed up, twisted out, bunned up or whatever.

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